Home City Councils & Municipalities Port area in Amsterdam to get largest share of wind turbines

Port area in Amsterdam to get largest share of wind turbines

By 2030, Amsterdam aims to be generating at least an additional 50 megawatts of power from wind energy.  Half of this capacity will be generated in and around the port area. For the turbines needed for the remaining 25 megawatts, they are investigating potential sites in designated wind energy search areas.

With each wind turbine generating 3 megawatts, around 8 turbines will be required for 25 megawatts, although the target could also be met with more turbines with a lower generating capacity, or fewer with a higher capacity.

Port area

Much of the port area is administered by the Port of Amsterdam, which has committed to the installation of 10 megawatts of wind generating capacity within its area. For the remaining 15 megawatts, the city is investigating the nearby Sloterdijk area, where 4 new wind turbines counting towards this total are already planned on the site of the sewage treatment works.

Space in the port

The possibilities within the Port of Amsterdam are limited, as the Port needs to reserve space for other functions. These include the planned generation, storage and transhipment of other sustainable energy sources, and fuels such as hydrogen. Space is also needed for new business premises, especially in the sustainability sector.

Next steps

For the other wind turbines needed in Amsterdam, they will continue to look for space in the rest of the wind energy search areas. In adjoining areas on the northern shore of the harbour (Noorder IJ-plas and Cornelis Douwes industrial zone), the energy cooperatives Amsterdam-Wind and NDSM-energie have already taken the initiative to install wind turbines. A participation plan was recently drawn up in consultation with local residents. This area was already designated in 2012 as desirable for the deployment of wind turbines.

Assessment framework

For the remaining wind energy search areas in Amsterdam, they will first draw up an assessment framework. This will include a specification of the stakeholder interests to be considered in any decision to install a wind turbine. Residents and organisations will all be able to have a say during the reflection phase.

Source: https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/news/port-area-wind-turbines/

Date of publication: 9 August 2021

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