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CBRE | #TheGETSustainableShow

Our guest this week was Anna Jarzębowska, ESG Programme Manager at CBRE Poland who shared her extensive knowledge on the changing world of office space.

IMMOFINANZ to reach emission-free status by 2040

Plans call for a reduction of 60% (below the 2019 level) in all greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 – and by 2040, this leading European commercial real estate company intends to be emission-free along the entire value chain.

Colliers launches solar panel advisory services

Colliers, a leading consulting company on the real estate market, introduces a consulting and management service for the design and implementation of photovoltaic systems. This is the company's response to the enormous increase in interest in photovoltaics recently in Poland and around the world.

Market growth for “green” real estate financing instruments

Since 2007, when the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued the world's first Climate Bond (CAB), green bonds have evolved from a marketing tool into one of the world's fastest-growing investment tools. This trend is also visible on the real estate market and it can only be expected to grow further.
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