Home Business Kompania Piwowarska launches campaign to encourage reuse of glass bottles

Kompania Piwowarska launches campaign to encourage reuse of glass bottles

Glass classified for reuse is most sustainable when it is reused. Throwing a returnable bottle into a rubbish bin is a waste of valuable raw material. Kompania Piwowarska draws attention to this problem in its new educational campaign and encourages consumers to return empty bottles back to the store, arguing that each bottle counts.

Returnable glass bottles is one of the most environmentally friendly packaging choices , and every year Kompania Piwowarska sells approx. 45% of its beer in this type of packaging. A returnable bottle can be refilled up to 20 times, provided that it will be returned to the store and then back to the brewery. At the same time, about 110 million bottles in Poland do not return back to this cycle each year, which means that new ones have to be brought in their place. As a consequence, raw material is wasted and new bottles using new raw materials for the production of glass need to be produced, generating additional CO₂ emissions and more waste.

An educational campaign titled: “Efekt1butelki” is to draw the audiences attention to this problem and make them aware that each bottle returned is important. The polish leader in the beer market is encouraging consumers to properly use reusable packaging for the sake of the planet.

Source: kp.pl

The company has engaged micro and nano influencers to promote bottle donation, as well as Malwina Wędzikowska and Vienia, who will show how the bottle return process looks like. For the purposes of the campaign, the hashtag # efekt1butelki was generated, which is used to mark communication in the company’s social media. Educational activities targeted at Kompania Piwowarska employees are also planned as part of the campaign.

– In the Efekt1butelki campaign we once again pay attention to the problem of not returning bottles suitbale for reuse. There are several reasons for our current position. First of all, it is the lack of social awareness and consistent education in this area. When choosing beer in a returnable glass bottle, consumers are aware that the packaging is environmentally friendly. And they are right, but only partially. It is important what they do with this packaging after use. Our activities this year communicate that the best solution for glass bottles is to return them so they can be put back into circulation. – says Grzegorz Adamski, manager of sustainable development at Kompania Piwowarska.

– Returnable glass bottles are a model example of eco-friendly packaging. Not only are they reusable packaging, but the raw material from which they were made is also a so called “eternal raw material” – which can circulate virtually without limitations. When a bottle enters the market, each return to the manufacturer and subsequent refilling helps minimise the use of resources necessary to produce a new packaging or energy required to recycle the bottle – emphasizes Agata Szczotka – Sarna, Director of Sustainable Development at Interseroh Recovery Organization Packaging.

Interseroh is the project partner. 38 Content Communication agency is responsible for the concept and implementation of the campaign, and for activities with BrandLift influencers.

Source: https://www.kp.pl/dla-mediow/kompania-piwowarska-w-nowej-kampanii-efekt1butelki-zacheca-do-oddaniu-butelek- returnable

First published: October 10, 2021

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