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Tag: Deloitte

Deloitte | #TheGETSustainableShow

🎥 Today we talk with Maria Ibisz, Senior Manager for Sustainability Consulting Central Europe at Deloitte.

Insurance sector – the pillar of green changes

The changes that are taking place require specific actions from the insurance sector. On the one hand, their goal is to adapt the current operating activities, including the product offer, to the new challenges related to the effects of climate change. On the other hand, the sector, due to its investment potential, can play a leading role in supporting the process of green transformation. The key issue is to take proactive measures - insurance companies that will be at the forefront of this process will significantly strengthen their brand, and thus - their market position.

Net-zero office spaces. Can your workplace really be emissions-free?

How can we make new office investments greener helping achieve corporate & global climate goals? In our report, we talk to experts from Colliers, Ghelamco and Deloitte.

Deloitte Poland aims to achieve Net-Zero by 2030

The consulting company Deloitte intends to achieve climate neutrality in Poland by 2030, and to use only green energy sources by 2025.
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